Characteristic agriculture

Nov Sun 2022
Adhering to the guidance of green, ecological, organic and selenium-rich, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture has put the increase of green and high-quality agricultural supplies in a prominent position in recent years. It has also focused on the promotion of expansion and quality improvement, as well as the rapid development of characteristic agriculture. 4.32 million mu (288,000 hectares) of characteristic industrial bases have been built.

On the basis of stable grain production, Xiangxi focuses not only on the cultivation of characteristic planting industry regarding the citrus, kiwi, tea, etc. as the dominant factors, but also on the characteristic animal husbandry and water industry characterized by yellow cattle and goats native to Xiangxi, in a bid to realize the regional layout, professional production and large-scale operation. In 2021, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery reached 20.113 billion yuan, an increase of 10.4%. The per capita disposable income of rural residents grew by 9.7% to 12,332 yuan.

With the vigorous development of characteristic industry and the construction of industrial belt of citrus, tea, kiwi, etc., a characteristic advantageous industrial pattern has basically taken shape, which consists of one product in several villages, one industry in several townships as well as one industry or more industries in one county. The prefecture boasts 56 effective certifications of agricultural products, including 4 Chinese well-known trademarks, 4 geographical indication trademarks and 34 famous trademarks in Hunan Province. The agricultural product brands such as Guzhang Maojian and Longshan Lily enjoy a good reputation in the market and have won many awards. As early as 1981, Xiangxi Yellow Cattle and Xiangxi Black Pig were included in the “Breed Charts and Collection of Livestock and Poultry in Hunan Province”.
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